The Cémoi Group, with its expertise and its integrated sector in cocoa, has started a risk analysis on all the raw materials that composes its tablets. This risk analysis and its control actions are called “Chocolate Transparency” which aims to go ever further in the knowledge of the sourcing and sustainable development of our ingredients. Carried out jointly with our suppliers, the Cémoi Group is thus moving towards an ambitious objective which is a 100% more sustainable composition.
The selection of our suppliers is made in a meticulous way via a series of questions on sustainable development (environment, social and economic), then once the supplier is referenced, we carry out follow-up audits in order to verify that our requirements on the specifications are met.
This allows us to extend our commitments “beyond cocoa” with suppliers that share our values and to offer our partners and consumers chocolate that meets sustainable development standards.

Nearly 99% of our sugar sourcing concerns white sugar, made from beets. It is mostly produced in France. Although the sector is very supervised, it is necessary to be vigilant and to support suppliers in their virtuous initiatives and their improvement plan, both in terms of soil preservation and the energy optimization of factories.
The milk powder in our chocolate products is mainly made in France and globally Europeen origin. Although local, the milk market is also subject to pressure on major issues such as the price paid to the producer, animal welfare or quite simply its impact on carbon production. Milk is therefore a strategic ingredient whose value chain must be controlled. We are moving forward in collaboration with several of our partners in this direction.
Dried or nutted fruits bring the greed to our chocolate products. The supply zones vary with the production zones, but the focus will rather be on the Middle East, the main production zone for halzelnuts and raisins. The production areas are located mainly in regions subject to strong migratory pressure, a source of tensions and risk for populations. Howeover, the risk is identified and better and better monitored, particularly at the international level.
Star and emblematic ingredient, vanilla can be used in the form of an extract or natural flavor, which is mainly provided from Madagascar. This island, subject to many environmental, financial and social challenges, is the largest vanilla producer in the world. The production conditions and the financial speculations on the ingredient impose to remain vigilant and attentive: the programs set up with the suppliers are designed in this direction.
Our palm oil is 100% RSPO certified and meets environmental standards that guarantee traceability and respect for biodiversity, in particular by excluding the deforestation of the tropical forest:
– Absence of production in a primary forest or in a protected area
– Respect for local populations
– Maintaining the purity of water and soil, reducing emissions of pollutants and CO2
– Decent remuneration for employees and respect for their rights