le 23 June 2022 - Professions

The communication teams shape the reputation of the Group and its brands in a persistent way with all our stakeholders. With a monitoring role, they define the key messages and direct the most relevant communication channels. The actors of the communication occupy positions such as: Webmarketing and Media Relations Officer, Communication Officer, Communication Assistant, Graphic Designer…

Some of our employees tell us about their job and their experience:  

Isabelle COOS


Corporate communication, or institutional communication designates all the messages sent internally and externally to talk about the company.

Reporting to the Human Resources and Corporate Communication Director of CÉMOI Group, my main mission is to manage the internal and external communication of the Group, which consists in promoting the image of the Group to employees, the press, partners, customers, public authorities…

Concretely, for the internal communication component, I am in charge of HR communication including the animation of the employer brand, the intranet, the internal newspaper, internal events, some internal training such as integration sessions, but also as Group disability referent, for the development and monitoring of the Group disability policy in collaboration with the HR department.

Regarding the external institutional communication component, I manage press relations, the Group’s  institutional sites, corporate social networks (Linkedin and Twitter), CSR communication, in support of the CSR Manager, solidarity donations, institutional document (press release, Group presentation), as well as institutional events.