The driving force behind the development of sales and store locations, the sales teams know their products perfectly. Preparing campaigns, negociating, setting up products and monitoring campaigns are all missions that a salesperson must carry out. Trade jobs are varied and focused on human contact.
Some of our employees talk about their job and their experience:

Isabelle DRAGA
I love working on a new product and then seeing it on a shelves of a store. My profession is passionate because it involves working with many professions and it is never routine. The challenge is to never lose customers and to find new ones.
Jean-Christian MUSCAT
In sotre displays are an opportunity for us to dramatize our flagship product, our Little Marshmallow Bear, which is celebrating its 60th birthday today. This allows us to stand out, to enliven the daily life of our points of sale and to mark the minds to our consumers. The first of the strengths of this product is the impact it has on all families since it is a transgenerational product.

Pierre-Alexandre GIBERGUES
I especially like the contact with the client, being a source of proposals. It is a pleasure to evolve in the world of chocolate and to work for a company that produces mainly in France. It is a real pride.